Congratulations to our amazing St Mary's Eco-Committee in achieving the official Eco-Schools Green Flag! Thanks to their passion and hard work, we are now an accredited Eco-School! The Eco-Committee is made up of members from each class, from Reception to Year Six, who have worked together this year to raise awareness of environmental issues and to put their ideas into action. This has included beach cleans, raising money for CAFOD’s Go Green Campaign, recycling crisp packets, learning about endangered animals across the school and creating a bug hotel in our nature garden. We would like to say a massive thank you to all our pupils and families for supporting us this year and for making our world a better place for the future.
Eco Committee
The Eco council had the pleasure of meeting Luke, who is a part of the Coastline Runner Initiative. He was in the town running from Lowestoft to Southwold collecting litter along the shore. He came in to school along with Madame Mayor Barker to deliver a talk to the Year 3 class and the school's Eco council about the environment and the impact plastic has on our oceans.
The Eco council then joined him on the beach to collect some plastic. We wish Luke all the best on his run today!