What does Mathematics look like in our school?
What does it mean to be a Mathematician?
Mathematics is the Queen of all subjects and therefore we strive to embed the love of maths and calculations in all children and inspire them to build their resilience and curiosity within our school. Our curriculum is inclusive of all children and their individual needs and therefore we celebrate every little step of success and progress each child makes. Increased breadth and depth of knowledge overtime refines and nurtures our pupil’s application of skills within a well sequenced curriculum based on a mastery approach. Every child is a Mathematician in our school and we strive to teach all the qualities associated with Mathematics such as: being logical, analysing data, questioning, synthetizing, understanding schema and inferring information.
Provision for those children who need additional support
Place Value and arithmetic are the cornerstones of Mathematics and those key concepts are important in order for the children to be successful in Maths. We recognise that some children have a poor working memory and that they will not access the curriculum in the same way as their peers unless they can read fluently, and essential prior knowledge of vocabulary as well as sound knowledge of arithmetics in the long- term memory. Support for these children includes: pre-teaching of vocabulary and methods; use of additional adults; scaffolds; over-learnt vocabulary; 1:1 support, use of manipulatives, high quality modelling visible and accessible for children and first quality teaching.